My passion is to bring out the best in people. I am a warm hearted seasoned professional who coaches ambitious leaders and professionals. I strive to deliver quality, in everything I do. My approach is entrepreneurial, energetic, connecting, very personal, intuitive and direct. There is no issue or taboo that I back down from. I guide individuals and teams to discover and show their truly personal, unique and natural style. When people learn to show themselves for who they really are AND meanwhile sincerely connect with others, a pure space emerges. This space cultivates connection, freedom and energy. People who can tune into their own power in that situation can effectively handle almost all challenges that they are being faced with. This makes life so much more real and so much more easy and effortless.
Consulting & Coaching
Catalyzing growth in leaders and teams
Organizations I have worked for or am working for:
Clients’ testimonials
"The coaching was exactly what I needed. All the steps I have taken have contributed to the result in their entirety. Louise is really a tour guide and has let me find my path myself and let me discover why I do things the way I do them. Now I'm back at the steering wheel. A big 10!
IT architect
“Ik heb zelden iemand ontmoet met een empathisch vermogen zoals Louise dat heeft. Wanneer je je openstelt voor haar aanpak kun je ongekende resultaten bereiken. Ieder mens kent op zijn of haar levensweg mijlpalen waarbij mensen staan die je helpen de volgende fase van je leven in te gaan. Louise verstaat die kunst. Tijdens die reis geeft ze ruimte wanneer dat nodig is, maar bakent af wanneer dat wenselijk is.”
HR Manager
“Ik heb een belangrijk deel van mijzelf herontdekt en daar ben ik heel blij om. En ben blij dat ik zo snel tot redelijk fundamentele inzichten ben gekomen. De coaching is zeer verrijkend geweest. Ik heb geleerd mijn ‘issues’ zelf op te lossen, van binnenuit. Dank!”
Manager Risk Management Systems