
Developing leadership, talents and teams
In today's VUCA world, changes follow one after the other at a rapid pace. So many factors are uncertain or unclear. Who had ever thought that the world would be paralyzed for over a year by a pandemic? Communities, businesses, organizations, and countries are constantly under pressure. The dynamics in society, nature, politics, culture and the economy are turbulent and require us to sail close to the wind, and to navigate attentively these ever changing weather conditions. Force fields with many different stakeholders are constantly changing shape and direction. The market is complex. Innovation is urgent. No time to waste.

In a world like this, it is essential:
  • - ... to develop effective leadership to shape high performance organizations. With an eye for both the hard and the soft sides of leadership (both productivity and positivity) - ... to cultivate rigorously the ability to be present and open to what is. And to not get carried away by stories, assumptions, doom scenarios, us/them thinking and other fearful reactions.
  • - ... to create synergy among all teams with each other. And certainly to jump-start effective collaboration in teams with a temporary composition (project teams)
  • - … to stimulate clear, inclusive and transparent communication and to look both at what happens 'above water' and in the undercurrent from the perspective of the system.
  • - … to assess whether the atmosphere and intangible interactions contribute to the positive energy, to mutually beneficial relationships (in other words: to create psychological safety) and to the results of the teams.
  • - … to address and adjust these communication behaviors if the communication patterns are detrimental to the relationships and thus to the achievement of goals.
  • - … to inspire the organization, the teams and the people in their being and doing with a clear focus on the horizon, on the reason for being and on the plan to get where you want to be. To create a compelling mission and the vision for the organization and for the team(s).
  • - ... to recognize, recruit, develop and use talent effectively in order to enable all people within the teams and organizations to maximize their own potential. And to collaborate fluidly.
  • - … to create an atmosphere of trust in the potential of the employees and to give them genuine heartfelt and clear feedback in order to support their growth and to help them flourish.  
We can help you with:
  • - Analyzing the gap between who you are now and who you want to be as a leader, as a team, as an organization
  • - Creating a compelling vision and mission, or bringing a dusty paper tiger mission and vision to life.
  • - Mapping out a path to get where you want to go in terms of culture, atmosphere, attitude and behavior
  • - Assessing and developing the talents in your team or organization
  • - Training your managers to look through the lens of talent potential and to facilitate meaningful conversations with their reports on developing crucial competencies
  • - Creating a program for continuous leadership development
  • - Team alignment and development
  • - (Re-)aligning individuals, business partners or teams when the going has gotten tough and collaboration seems to have gotten stuck in distrust
  • - Facilitating effective intervision sessions for continuous learning
  • - Individual executive coaching 

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